The FreshCooll range or Air Handling Units is defining new standards for energy efficiency: the ultimate choice for LEED and Green Buildings.The super-efficient multifunctional and hygiene certified Oxycell indirect evaporative heat exchanger foresees the AHU with the following functionalities:
In indirect adiabatic cooling mode energy savings of up to 80% can be achieved compared to conventional compressor-based cooling systems, while providing 100% fresh air.For additional heating and/or cooling (in humid climates) a hybrid configuration with a heat pump or compressor cooling can be integrated to allow for set-point climate control without compromises, adding the following functionalities:
The unit can be customized according to site requirements, i.e.: demand-driven ventilation with air quality (CO2/VCC) sensor, zone control, humidification, direct evaporation, cooling/heating coils and external heat pump. The integrated coil allows us to re-use condensate from the cooling coil for evaporation, when in indirect evaporative cooling mode, thus reducing overall water consumption of the unit. The advanced water management system ensures long lifetime and minimal water usage and waste. It can be optionally configured with options such as UV-C disinfection. The EC (Electronically Commutated) radial fans ensure efficient and quiet operation combined with 100% variable speed control. Due to constant flow monitoring and control, a steady supply of fresh air to the building is guaranteed and airflow is automatically compensated for filter fouling and external static pressure (ESP). This features also reduces commissioning time significantly.The advanced and intelligent control system allows for quick integration, installation and commissioning and can be easily configured according to site requirements:
The system is BMS ready and supports all basic communication protocols.The FreshCooll is constructed of durable and recyclable materials and meets the highest standards:
The FreshCooll meets the requirement and efficiency standards defined in the EU ErP Ecodesign 1253/2014 directive and it is eligible for the EIA (Energy Investment Allowance or Energie-investeringsaftrek).