ZEUS is a wide range of oil-free water cooled chillers equipped with centrifugal high-speed compressors with magnetic bearings.These chillers grant astonishing energy performances and extremely low maintenance costs. Thanks to it, ZEUS chillers are an optimal solution for a wide range of applications, such as:

  • Comfort cooling: retail buildings, hotels, office buildings, hospitals, theatres, district cooling
  • Process cooling: industrial facilities
  • IT cooling: data centers

ZEUS chillers can be provided in heat pump version (reversibility on hydraulic circuit) for hot water production up to 52°C.
In all cases, end users will easily appreciate the benefits of these machines in terms of operating costs and respect of the environment.
ZEUS units are available with two refrigerants, R134a, for a nominal capacity 270 – 3900kW and HFO1234ze, 200-2340kW
R134a machines are available in two series: BUSINESS version, optimized for comfort cooling applications and PREMIUM version, designed for process & IT cooling applications
ZEUS units are designed to offer great energy performances with lower maintenance costs.
To achieve this target, all ZEUS units are equipped with DANFOSS TURBOCOR compressors, oil-free centrifugal twin stage compressors with magnetic bearings, and high performances shell & tubes exchangers. Frictionless high speed centrifugal compressors allow significant reduction in maintenance operations due to the total elimination of oil with respect to standard chiller with screw compressors, maintenance costs are expected to be reduced by 80%.The combination of extremely low maintenance costs and outstanding levels of energy performances strongly reduces operating costs of ZEUS units: since operating costs represent the greatest portion of machine’s life cycle costs, ZEUS units usually grant interesting pay-back periods.
PREMIUM chillers are optimized for process cooling and IT cooling. Heat exchangers are sized to cover all operating range of the machine with high performance levels. Higher initial costs can be usually recovered by energy savings in a short period. On the other hand, BUSINESS chillers are optimized for comfort cooling, and lower water temperature in general.
Anyway, the best choice for any specific application can be easily adopted starting from ZEUS Selection Software: this tool automatically selects the best heat exchanger configuration in terms of no. of passes in order to grant the max of benefits also in terms of water pumping costs.
ZEUS Selection Software provides:

  • Unit performances at design conditions (gross and net capacities, according to EN14511-3:2013)
  • Automatic selection of evaporator and condenser configuration (best no. of passes)
  • Compressor envelope with three main operating points: design conditions, minimum capacity at minimum condenser inlet temperature and maximum capacity at maximum condenser inlet temperature
  • Compressor map showing capacity range at various source temperature and fixed plant side temperature
  • NPLV according to AHRI 551-591:2011
  • EUROVENT ESEER according to EN 14511-3:2013
  • IPLV according to AHRI 550-590:2011
  • Part load performance table (with heat source temperature variable within operating limits)
  • Unit description with dimensions and weight
  • Noise levels
  • Refrigerant content
  • Electrical data
  • Detail and summary of selected accessories
  • Applicable standards